As the weather gets warmer, the anticipation for Spring/Summer projects is on the horizon. With that in mind, please find shown below the preliminary schedule for the Rear Deck Replacement Project beginning in 2021 with a forecasted completion date in 2022. Please be advised that the project will start Monday, April 19, 2021, the same day that Northstar Ski Operations is set to close. It is anticipated that the work on each deck will take 1 to 2 working days from the beginning of demolition to completion of construction. Owners are asked to remove all items from their deck prior to their scheduled start date and will be invoiced for removal of any items that remain when construction begins. Any owners needing assistance with removal or replacement of items on their deck can make arrangements in advance with CAMCO and will be invoiced for this service. For most decks, the construction work can be completed from the exterior of the building using scaffolding. However, if you have an extremely high deck or there is uneven ground below, please understand that the contractor may need to access your deck through your unit. Owners will be notified if this is required and must make arrangements through CAMCO in advance to provide access. As part of the project, Placer County is requiring that carbon monoxide and smoke detectors be in the locations listed on the building code requirements sheet under Title 24 along with the affidavit, which is shown below, or available from this link. If you meet these requirements, please sign, and return the attached affidavit to [email protected]. If you do not return the attached affidavit with your signature affirming that your unit meets these requirements, then your unit will be subject to an inspection for carbon monoxide and smoke detectors as per Placer County Ordinance on your scheduled deck replacement dates, and any required carbon monoxide and/or smoke detectors will be installed, and you will be invoiced for the materials and labor by CAMCO on behalf of the Indian Hills Owners Association. CAMCO must have access to your unit to perform this work so that the building permit can be signed off by the County. Individual owners will be invoiced if any additional costs are incurred due to construction delays resulting from failure to provide timely access. IMPORTANT: The Board recommends that owners advise all of their guests (RENTERS, family, friends) IN ADVANCE that this work will be taking place in Indian Hills over the Spring/ Summer months and that the schedule is approximate and subject to change as the work progresses. Guests staying within 2 weeks before or after work is scheduled on your unit/building should be advised that it’s possible the work will be in progress during their stay. Owners should notify their guests as schedule changes are announced that may potentially impact their stay. An attempt will be made to notify occupants by placing a written notice at front doors 1 to 3 days before work begins. Please contact the CAMCO office if you have any questions. Kind Regards, Danielle Stephens CAMCO Administrative Assistant Comments are closed.